Concepts, Ideas and Perspectives that open up your mind to look at problems and situations in products, business and life in general.

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See the World from an Experts Lens


CogniLense Card Decks


Cognitive Biases

Cognitive biases are patterns of thinking and reasoning that can affect judgment and decision-making (in both good and bad ways).


Thinking Hats

Inspired from Bonos 6 thinking hats, these are a set of many more; with a creative approach to analyze situations from different angles. Imagine wearing different hats, to view and argue with a specific lens

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Siddharth Kabra

Author & Curator, CogniLense

I enjoy solving puzzles like Sudoku and Wordless, and I use those same skills to help with business, products, and personal growth. I’m passionate about what I do and happy to share what I’ve learned in 20 years of design business.

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